The Allendale Historical Society owes so much to Pat Wardell for her wonderful, drive, foresight, love of history and amazing ability to get things done.   The following Historical Society newsletter was dedicated to telling Pat’s story and the 2013 Mayor and Council Proclamation shows the gratitude the town has for the work that she has done to preserve and share Allendale’s history.

Allendale: the Background of a Borough written by Pat Wardell is a 427 page book that tells the story of the history of Allendale up to the year it was published in 1994. The book also contains 185 pages of the the history of many of the original families of Allendale, mini-biographies of Allendale residents up to 1920.

In addition, as part of Pat’s research and efforts to preserve history she continued documenting the original families of Bergen County, NJ.  Pat shared the documents she compiled with a few people and organizations.  The Allendale Historical Society has these documents on file.  We opted not to put them online since her research resulted in over 18,000 pages of material.  Please feel free to reach out to us if you would like us to look assist in looking up a Bergen County family name, we would be more then happy to help.